Trust the CERN Grid Certification Authority

This page contains installation instructions for Windows.
For a complete list of available installation instructions, see here:

To install the CERN Root Certification Authority 2 certificate in the Windows Certificate Store:

  1. Download the CERN Root Certification Authority 2 certificate(s):
  2. Open each certificate file. The certificate information dialog will inform you that the certificate must be installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store. Click on Install Certificate. certificate import wizard
  3. From the Certificate Import Wizard, in the certificate store selection dialog, choose the option Place all certificates in the following store, then click browse
    certificate import wizard
  4. In the Select Certificate Store dialog, select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store and click Ok.
    trusted root CAs store
  5. Follow the remaining steps in the Certificate Import Wizard
  6. When you see the Security Warning dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want to install the certificate.
    trusted root CAs store

To install the CERN Grid Certification Authority certificate in the Windows Certificate Store:

  1. Download the CERN Grid Certification Authority certificate(s):
  2. Open each certificate file. Follow the steps in the Certificate Import Wizard, leaving all the default parameters.